What is a TOSSIT Free-Seller?

Imagine having the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world, using just your phone, and earning money by helping us distribute TOSSIT to a wider audience. As a TOSSIT Free-Seller, you’ll play a vital role in spreading the joy of our game by contacting professionals and vendors who can sell or distribute TOSSIT. Whether you already know and love TOSSIT or are new to our game, this opportunity is perfect for anyone with a passion for fun and a knack for sales.

How It Works
As a Free-Seller, your main task will be to reach out to shops, sellers, and potential distributors, informing them about TOSSIT and encouraging them to stock our game. Our product is already a top seller at stores like Decathlon and various game shops, receiving excellent feedback and demonstrating high sales rates. Your job is to spread the word and help us get TOSSIT into even more stores.

Your Responsibilities
- Contact Shops and Sellers: Use your phone to call potential vendors from the comfort of your home.
- Promote TOSSIT: Explain the benefits and popularity of TOSSIT to shop owners and distributors.
- Facilitate Sales: Convince vendors to order TOSSIT and, if possible, demonstrate the game in person to increase sales success.
- Utilize Resources: Access our drive with photos, videos, and brochures to help you effectively sell TOSSIT.

Why Become a TOSSIT Free-Seller?
- High Demand Product: TOSSIT is a viral game with excellent reviews and sales records. Stores are eager to stock it once they learn about it.
- Flexible Work: Work from anywhere, on your schedule, using just your phone or by visiting shops in person.
- Competitive Commissions: Earn 15% commission on every sale you make, and 20% commission if you handle the final delivery of the product.
- Support and Resources: We provide all the materials you need, including communication elements, photos, videos, and brochures, to help you succeed.
Your Earnings Potential
- Phone Sales: Achieve a conversion rate of 20-25% over the phone, depending on the vendor’s familiarity with TOSSIT.
- In-Person Sales: If you can visit shops and demonstrate TOSSIT, you can achieve a conversion rate of up to 40%.
Join Us Now!
Ready to start your journey as a TOSSIT Free-Seller? Fill out our application form and become part of our dynamic team, helping to spread the joy of TOSSIT worldwide.
We’re excited to have you on board and support you in making TOSSIT a global phenomenon! For any questions or more information, please use our WhatsApp chat or use our contact form.
Let's spread the fun of TOSSIT together!