"Doing better every day, putting common sense back into everything to continue living, having fun, and consuming more responsibly. Small gestures require little energy, we 'just' have to do them all together as many times as possible." - Gaëtan


We’ll keep it short because we’ve been committed to bees since 2007 and we’ve had multiple opportunities to write, describe, and explain it.

Gaëtan and Nicolas created the company Confidences d’Abeilles in 2015 to share their passion and the incredible products of their beehives with the greatest number. We're talking about real products - not the imported ones, nor those of poor quality that are made to look authentic (not naming names). In 2019 to tackle the decline of bees, they created a nonprofit organization which quickly became a 1% for the planet partner so that sponsors, individuals and companies, can support beehive installations.

TOSSIT proudly supports the bees by sponsoring 5 beehives. We want to raise awareness and let you enjoy the benefits of the beeswax by slipping 1 lip balm at random in your packages. The quantities are unfortunately limited to the number of beehives supported, so we can’t put them in every time. You can also order them online. By buying from TOSSIT, you are also supporting the bees – which is a good thing. 

Long live the bees and please buy real honey (or don’t if you're an ass). 

Gaëtan & Nicolas