Cookies and Personal Data

“an incredible recipe, a must try”
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Last updated: April 2024

Gourmand! 😋 We knew had a sweet tooth. This page is dedicated to you. So what's the topping for your cookie?


It ensures the smooth running of the site by keeping your session open, allows you to add items to the shopping cart, to choose the language, the currency, temporarily stores the form content in case of technical problems, etc.

statistics: keys to improving your experience

If you landed on our website via social networks, it is partly thanks to those cookies. They measure the effectiveness of the content we publish (natural post or advertisement) by establishing statistics and links with website visitors. Active ✅

tracking outside our site: unnecessary

Unlike some other websites, we do not have cookies that will track your habits and activity outside our website to offer you ever more personalised ads. They even take advantage of this to sell this data to other advertisers. There is no small profit after all . Inactive ❌

You have understood that cookies make your browsing experience possible on the one hand and on the other hand (this is optional) they improve it. If you really want to know more about cookies, it’s here

personal data
let’s be serious for 30 seconds, this is about your personal data, it’s important.

We use them for the proper functioning of the site and to fulfil the contracts (orders) that bind us mutually. The data is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) n°2016-679 of 27 April 2016. For more information:

Your data is used internally:

  • to process your orders. To this end, your information will be communicated to 2 types of technical service providers only (1 logistician and the carrier you choose)
  • to inform you of upcoming sales / events 
  • to personalize our communication with you in accordance with your consent (newsletter, personalised offer, personalised product, etc.)

Our information emails contain a link (at the end of the email) with which you can immediately unsubscribe and thus no longer receive them. If this does not work, please write to us and we will be happy to unsubscribe you “by hand."


In accordance with the Regulation, you have the right to be forgotten, to access, modify, rectify, delete, portability (if technically feasible) your data, and also to oppose, complain, and delete. Just let us know by email at hello(at)tossitgame(dot)eu or simply delete your account and related information.


We will never share or sell your personal data for any purpose other than those strictly necessary for the proper execution of the contracts between us.

To be nominated “Player of the week”:

  • you agree that the video or content that makes you a “Player of the week” can be reused on all TOSSIT communication media (its website, social networks, emails, etc.).
  • you accept that this content can be reused for communication and marketing purposes (creation of new content containing all or part of your performance) in the respect of your image of course.
  • you agree that the profile picture of the account on which you published your performance may be used on all communication media to present you as “Player of the week” for a maximum period of one year (it will be possible to view it in the “Players of the week” history). You will have the possibility to provide us with another pic before publication or to change it afterwards by writing to us.
  • you agree that your first name or pseudo may be used to introduce you in all our communication materials (you may provide us with another name).
  • you are free to provide a link to the content you wish (we moderate this at our discretion to ensure consistency and ethics).
  • you agree to provide us with all personal information necessary to send your prize or to have it provided by your legal representative. You can ask us to delete them afterwards.

Note: you can refuse your nomination. Moreover, if you do not reply to the nomination message, we will initially consider this to be a refusal.

A lot of points to say in the end: you have been nominated, we present you to the community, we show your performance, and we boost your account by the way.

On that note, go practice and don’t forget to film! No video, no judgement. No judging, no rating. No rating… no rating. That’s it for us, kisses. 😘