Pictured below are two of the founders of TOSSIT: Nicolas (Left) and Gaetan (Middle). They invented TOSSIT out of a love for playing throwing games. As kids, they threw paper airplanes, water balloons, and snowballs. TOSSIT takes you right back to that feeling when you were a kid - it's that FRICKIN' FUN!

Have you ever gotten joy from throwing trash into a bin? As kids we threw blocks, toys, paper airplanes (that didn't fly very well), water balloons (we still do this), a stick for your dog and even snowballs. Even if we miss (badly), it's moments like these that brings a little light to our lives. And if we land it, then it makes us want to celebrate! Makes us want to dance and beat our chests. Sorry. We are a little competitive.


There is no bigger thrill then landing a throw right on target. Baam! It's adrenaline pumping and it's a real drug. 


That's the feeling of tossing a TOSSIT. We invented it to give you that same satisfaction. It also had to be a game that you could play anywhere. And, it had to be inexpensive so everyone could play. Here's how we did just that.


By the way, check out the amazing throw in the video here. It earned an A for the entire class in Ohio. (It's beautiful. We are all super jealous 😍)



TOSSIT was born during the pandemic. We were all stuck at home in our home offices. We were stuck with the family and couldn't see our friends It was frustrating! Maybe, that's why we decided to make a silicone dart that sticks during a time when everyone was stuck inside. There may have been some fighting between us and certain family members! Did we mention we are competitive?


We combined our love of throwing games and invented a skill game that would bring children, adults and literally anyone. We turned our creativity dial up to 11 and made TOSSIT as a way to let off steam. More importantly it gave us something to see who was the best. Sorry, we're very competitive!


We mixed Pétanque, Molkky, darts, curling (or not) to make TOSSIT. Also, it took us weeks to come up with that name. 


Before being able to play with family or friends, we had to prototype. We tested about twelve models over and over. We would design, adjust, and then retest when it didn't work. It was a lot of work. We aren't Harry Potter. We can't just snap our fingers and create something out of nowhere! Although, that would be awesome. Check out the pics below. 

We are slight perfectionists. Competitive perfectionists. But, it was fun - so who's counting. 


Actually, TOSSIT dart is the most advanced silicone dart in the world and you can more about it on our WTF (FAQ) page. If this explanation didn’t convince you, you should know that we will participate in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games in hammer throw. TOSSIT helps us to sharpen our aim for that. We have to hit the gym too... uhh. We'll go one of these days.